The commercial interior design firm Ideation Studio, wanted to increase their online presence and show potential clients the broad scope of services they offer, as well as the careful attention to detail and thorough strategic planning that goes into each project. Traditionally, Ideation Studio shows printed spiral bound case study books, exactly like what you see in the animation, at a face-to-face meeting with the client. They wanted a way to share these case study books online, so potential clients could view them remotely and get a better understanding of everything Ideation Studio does.
A book flipping through pages seems simple enough, but quite a bit of work went into making this animation. The page flip preset in After Effects doesn't include shadows or any kind of page binding, like the spiral page binder I created for this video. In fact each individual page of the book is comprised of over 10 layers—front page, back of the page, the spiral binder, and several different kinds of shadows to make it look realistic.
These videos were animated and composited in After Effects, with audio and music editing done in Audacity.