Ideation Studio Inc's (ISI) website was built in WordPress by a third party web design company and handed off to ISI's internal team to manage for future updates. Over the years I made several notable updates to incorporate new features and sections to the website including: updating the home page opening slideshow gallery with new projects and adding buttons to take visitors directly to those projects in the Portfolio tab, updating the world map image showing where ISI has competed work, embedding videos from YouTube, adding new pages in the Portfolio page to highlight newly completed projects, editing the Portfolio categories, and adding a mailing list pop-up feature so visitors can get ISI email updates directly in their inbox.

Home page, with updated slideshow graphics that tie in with the Animated Case Study Videos produced on the Idea Network YouTube channel.

New slide on the Home Page slideshow, highlighting a new project added to the Portfolio, including a button to take you directly to the details of that project.

Email list pop-up notification that integrates with ISI's Mail Munch account to make sending out announcements easy

New section on the Process page embeds two of the new Case Study Videos that are hosted on Ideation Studio's YouTube channel for easy viewing without leaving the site

After incorporating Virtual Reality into the interior design review process, I created a video to show what this process was like for clients—then added this video to Ideation's website by embedding the YouTube video and highlighting this new feature with a large bold section on the Services page